What is the Stronger Together Program?

The aim of this program is to have multiple leaders in our community, who live in our identified high- flood-zone areas. These leaders will know their neighbourhood residents, and can assist in prioritising help. We will provide each team leader with the following equipment, crucial during the response phase: 

  • Gazebo

  • Table

  • Chairs

  • Walkie-Talkie

  • Generator

  • Portable Power Pack

  • Donated supplies

These resources allow for a communication hub within those pockets and a place to replenish cleaning supplies and re-charge phones and laptops.

These leaders will be the direct communication between their pocket of Murbah and M|CORE with the use of walkie-talkies, enabling assistance to be carried out more quickly and effectively to those in need.

This is a vital service during the initial phase of a disaster, where power and phones are down and roads into the area are blocked.

Thanks to successful funding via NSW Gov’t Local Small Commitments Allocation Program – Lismore (Janelle Saffin’s office) to get this program off the ground.

Expressions of Interest invited

If you think that you would make a great team leader in your pocket of Murbah and wish to be registered as a part of this program, please contact us at hub@mcore2484.org.

We will then keep you informed of upcoming leadership meetings.

A small trailer with a large open door, with portable BBQ equipment.
BBQ trailer with orange and black colour scheme, parked in a carpark outside a garage..

M|CORE BBQ Trailer

With support from Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal and Anglicare North Coast, M|CORE has been able to secure a BBQ Trailer for our community.

This will be an invaluable resource for us to use in times of flooding response and recovery, and for future fund-raising opportunities.

So keep your eyes out for the big orange BBQ – a place for comfort food and company.

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